Saturday, July 23, 2022

Silent Saturday

 Reporting from one class; is not an easy job. To have that many chicken fingers is a luxury. I've had five cups of coffee, two from the house and three from "Skillet N' Dinner". Although, I am cute and I didn't need that expensive contact lens box to get stolen. My Father; said they we're eight hundred dollars, he brought them to the Presbyterian Night Shelter. Along with my Hot Pink Doc Martins. As the guy who picked me up at Spring Wood; tried to get engaged to me, and his spirit is mean. In fact; a lot of the spiritual battles come from what course to course track record I had since I was 14.

My Father; bought me three packs of cigarettes and my primary house care giver did tell me not to share. Waking up; to fashion modeling isn't as much fun as it was when I was 15. The club flyers still remain although they don't last like everlasting go stoppers. Going to college; from McNeese to UTA, with stepping stops from all compasses four steps of Myan's side part of our house. 

When I grew up; I was very close to My Family! Though; time will tell, is no way to leave me in the middle of my book. Which on the back says ATSD; though where do we get our mulla? 

Friday, July 22, 2022

Will Windows Widows Watch Themselves

 Hackers are the craziest things; and I feel in my personal opinion that determined students have found a way to work around it like I have. My parents 

Friday, July 15, 2022

15 Red Crayons Go Spiraling

Thanks to the accelerator drink; mango and orange {2.70 pesos} . . . I feel like my sister's regret has gone away or maybe we can demolish all this FAFSA loan all together. People are there to help and it's true you have to speak up for yourself. My Dad called and He is taking me to eat breakfast. Though Red Colors are all I have noticed today; since that is what I brought. I've been out of the hospital two weeks so far and when I stood up my leg could have otherwise felt paralyzed.

The Profile's had to change and information had to be swapped as graciously as it could have. 

At this moment; I have been thankful for the walk around the block. I remember my first car; and how one of my first boyfriends and I stopped at Texaco to buy drinks and cigarettes, and how lucky I felt when the 14 years of growth, I played tennis back then and I had good friends.

Though When We Remember "Our Friends"; we don't always describe what state we are in.

Now that 10 minutes past 8 o'clock; and never forgetting where I come from. A nice trip to Downtown Fort Worth Library; would be nice. Now that I finished my drink; and just had a cigarette. I am sitting here on Friday as I grew up in a nice household. Though comparing properties as well as trading books on Wall-Street from the age of 16. 

The Water Gardens where my favorite and I don't try to be anyone but myself. Through thick and thin; I am always there for you. Stepping away from my laptop; I had four managers on my smoke breaks at Millwood. 

Remembering Taylor's Farm to Mistro's City Council to Mrs. Cheryl's city council. Also; where my name is landing in the PRSA realm and ADVT group. I have not wanted to work on Linked In; as far as my resume goes. Though; for some reason something is giving me "Staff Disorder" and primarily on my Amerigroup I am bipolar type 1; orange and mango.

I come from a place, where water isn't cheap and honestly I didn't like that My Dad and I had gotten a phone call as soon as I got out of jail to go to this group home but I'm better off here than I am anywhere else in the worldly war. 

How my good friends; at the center united and had a good week. Things escalate; and they do have better morals after I remember I went to Texas Wesleyan and my dream was to play soccer. Though, I couldn't because I had a Shin Splint at the age of 13.

Friday, July 8, 2022

Eighth of A Third

​It’s 8 o’clock and I just received five till five cigarettes as a director of the group home. This has been an interesting journey and we just arrived at The Lions Center! I am grateful even though I don’t have as many cigarettes and wires drawing out.

I’m waiting patiently for my breakfast and coffee. While the steps of order prevail me. I’m grateful but also half way reading and my goals mostly sounded out of reach.

Monday, July 4, 2022

J-J Day : Just 4 at 4th of July

 When I walk up and down anti-depressants; I feel calm like I walked with that cane! Thanks for the Godly gifts to the godly gifts. To our "Vocal Cord" at the Fort Worth Public Library and Thinking about my Grandmother's Lifestyle! When my own Mother holds the ropes to Aunt Guest to Mrs. Asked a Q Ball. IMBD Books & Dad's Library!  

Today I got  3D to WD - 30; Certificate to your right or left drawer. He is arrested for and from his heart! Chicken Noodle Soup for The Soul books and I wanted my Hymnal. Kept in the Governments Arms and Army! Support Our Survivor's From Afghanistan. How we battled in and out of the Bibles;  

Saturday, July 2, 2022

Cleaning Up The After Mood Math

​Smoldering my toothbrush to my plated : teeth and coffee and cigarettes to keep myself clean 🧽! I’m in and out of the lineup’s! My “New PPL”; as I read Jenna Blum’s ❤️🥩 and the answer was to keep Gina Robert’s my “Strategic Communication Course”!

Empathy of Empty Grocery Sacks; as a worker in the background of our SAM-S! Competition too our College Desktop 🖥! My A B Grade Pointed Average from Tech to Tech!! 

Eating spicy spaghetti with grinder meat at vitamins every morning. I have 345 / $20! Dad said “Don’t Worry About It!!!” THX . . . BLD! 1/3 CUPS of Sugar & my parents’

Friday, July 1, 2022

Meals For & From MillWood

​One of my best caseworkers drove around our group and picked me up at MillWood. I’m two packs and four packs closer. My vaporizer is required for recruitment and training for my family is very supportive but we are slowly dividing slowly. It’s a red Nissan centra! 

I started my bloody stamping pads about three days ago. I have kept my book bleeding through my memory as I laid in my hospital bed. Meanwhile; I wrote and unwritten rules. I’m sitting in the back yard again and I’m right the more they found out