Saturday, July 29, 2023

Happy Thirty Sixth Birthday

It's the day after "My Thirty Sixth Birthday"; and I am the only one in my room at the moment. Thankful for time alone and grateful for growing up. I just started charging My Geek Vape and it's hot outside, about 102'. Enjoyed lunch, of chicken wings, green peas, and a roll. I came home to Hightower at 9:15PM after my parents and I drank coffee and father and I smoked hookah. I must say, that I have the coolest parents ever and they are very supportive. We shared wild berry hookah and we stayed at Narah's lounge for about two hours. First, they picked me up at five thirty and I got in the back seat of their aqua Ford Bronco; my mom had made me a sour cream pound cake that is almost gone. I hope everyone in the house enjoyed it. I also had brought my medicine; in a clear round container and I didn't take my medication until after I got home at. First we went to Jin's; which was renamed KBBBQ and had about three plates a piece. At the table there we cooked meats that we got from a buffet and had Chinese noodles and pumpkin porridge. I received A New Journalism Bible, and I plan on reading it straight till the end. 

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Pinapple Under Tow

The VETERANS MEMORIAL RESTRAUNTED RESTRAINTS; are off to do their own thing!  

We've Already Said These Statements! Break is off and on; some of these we're and weren't recyclable! It's been a 68 Month Fight! I told my Recovery Manager : Chassidy Moore; I Was Reading The Rooster House when she was driving home. Habitually It's Unfair and habitable they say everyone in the country has an affair! I have always had my mom and my dad and I know they love me and I want them too love me a little more everyday! From Sound Boards, To Laptops, To Four Bedrooms; with collectors items! 

Anything is a collectors item but some people take that itemized guns too personally : Just remember somethings don't last forever - Rain Drops and Igloos

The Tower, The Metric, The Birthday;... Was it the Skitzo? Was it still sneaking into me 15? 26? 38? Wasn't what I wanted too reversal stare at! I'm proud;... of anything and everything;... Is a bad curse! February 14th; THE MONEY : ON CASH APP TO & FROM MY VENMO! My People Never; Went Crazy Over Money! Though; I have been calm,.. My Gift Today;... was "Dwindling Cash!" Though; The Most Frustrating thing is when my VENMO got messed up! Sitting on the floor with my laptop and phone battery! Which Dad used to say "When You Grow Up + There Will Be A Lot Of Battery!" So; about two to three months ago we went to buy this Ankler Wall Charger! With it's light blue phone charger at 3" and IT's ONN!  

I was married at sixteen; at working for Chris Everette's Momma. Though; ODDLY ENOUGH! A Doctor Had;.. Walked in and and wrote on a piece of paper that My Name Is Now "Johnna Johanson" 

My Pay-E Is Not My Lover

 I was respectful; but I'm growing older! I went to breakfast with My Father, yesterday, at 8:03AM He Called Me! I Remember all the phones he gave me and he said I better never loose this "Lily" IPhone 11! We all work together here if we really are CAVE CARE which rightfully our place is too hide Though to keep a reputation, I have known I wrote to much about My Faja. In 2003 I tried to save his life and his wifes life! It was crashing, my world, a top Boy Scout and a Top Girl Scout; because my parents owned the world in Kennedale Also a lot of hits had been towards me for how active I was. Recreational didn't mean sex and selling girlscout cookies did create cookies on the internet and each and every personal one was expensive! 

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Dear Child;...

When I sent you off; k,..."" I only attended a few gun shows and the last one I Truly,... REMEMBER was 2012! Parents always told me "There are Good and Bad People In This World!" We're in Purgatory because of medicine? I do and don't believe it but that is what I have known, since 2017, in a Humanities Course, that taught me that there's over 701 different religions.  If the house is damaged; then stop damaging it! Is it lust? Is it bullying? 

If You Really Loved Your Friends, You Would Stop Hurting Their Items & Lovers and Support The Shops They Go To! I know this is too early and too fast to be a hurt item! Because It Was Bought January 15th this 2023 on My Dad's Birthday!

My Father & I Paid $78 when we, just recently bought this GEEK VAPE AGEIS & I am needing this black girlfriend of mine who lives in this house to stop breaking them! 

From My Leo Mothering Horoscope! I have creativity to spare; a spare tire made me late to Geography and when I tried to go back to it, the next day to University of Texas of Arlington. 10,000 people got in my way from making it too school for objects and my own wallet! That's the second time I really did live on the streets and I've been sixteen years homeless.

I consider I had a thousand and one mg of Caffiene today and why are they draining it from my body? MY MR. INCREDIBLE DAD gave me headphones two weekends ago. I called him on at 3:39PM; and He was on the way home and when he finally made it, C* and I we're half way to the corner store, since it was MURAL MUTUAL RESPECT! I don't try to steal the Lime Light! I enjoy my own STUDIO equipment also, and they are normally on me. Just like I came from the campus, originaly! 

I just got back from walking from the edge of HighTower to and from the corner store,... things I'd like to fade off me? shade off me? I deal with the, things I have too! Though; I recieved My Own and Yes we do belong to each our own individual owner! Kurt & Christy FLOYD! I have spent thirty years, perfecting a craft! #3 to #11 to #13 from Sale's Girls, Bass Club, and Healthy Student Associations. I Recieved My Iron Pills, Hydrocortisone Cream, Quality Care Asprin, hehehe,... AFTER A NOZ DRINK, I chewed on it, then took an Iron Pill. Pat Dried my arm with Hydrocortosone Cream and Now I'm listening to some favorite music. Career Report | Store : Couldn't and Wouldn't Afford Everything It Always Wanted; In Fact I Don't Pride Myself Before The Fall!

I'm charging,... My GEEK VAPE! FROM MY LAPTOP! The beginning way I charged my vape!

Monday, July 10, 2023

Southern Side Center Safety

I'm kind of jealous of how my wanting to treat them good gadgets; at 14 to 16;...  I was Go Go Gadget, until I was 23 to about 27 on occasions. I was a True Life Raver; DJ RIVERS! For My Father's Day, I tried to tell him about stories of the past and he has slowly told me stories of the past. Safety; is provided by yourself in most situations

 everything, welp then it was some things. Whoever is making a mess out of things and making me cough I promised people, nothing; I have $23 for the; only thing I have been buying we're snacks and today I bought a Blueberry Swisher and Blueberry C4 at $3.25! I handed John, a $1, The French guy $8 and where is the great division of team to sweathearts? I remember being Joan and this persistent question is a bit annoying. 

It's barely the start of the week, and eighteen days before my birthday; Jose told me I was going to have a big party at the center!  Although; I am dawning on the fact to look and ask for all of that wasn't such a sweat thing for me too do. I don't want it too get on my nerves and yes I have had three panic attacks on campus and I haven't mentioned much about my female parts. In which; I am hearing a lot about. It's the start of the week and I am just as weak! .

Sunday, July 9, 2023

The Week After Independence

I had a Pleasant Saturday, thinking too myself! After Dad had left, I really started to pay attention to my own heart, again. I listened to some music and too about five educational segments. Then around 3:15PM; I walked to the corner store, TEXACO, and spent $9.06 and bought; a snack? lunch? of Muncho's, A Green Apple Gatorade, and Red Original Venom. I am in Advertising and I enjoy taking photos of what I purchase and.I needed to buy it because around that time I had gotten hungry and I didn't have a plate of lunch, although, The Chicken N' Waffles; we're great but me and my father didn't talk very much but about ten minutes. Outside, of our favorite morning ritual!

I question, myself, what direction,... since I am turning thirty-six what direction I will be heading myself into. My phone doesn't necessarily go into my laptop and the photos don't connect. In fact there's a lot of technical things I would like to know right now; but either I haven't had the time, patience, or objective too I don't know a day that I look mainly too my cell phone or laptop for stats; even though I took the course their simply aren't any. It's 7:18PM; just took my medication as the group was in a line, there's currently six residents in the house on Hightower. I need to read my MHMR handbook; as I am still questioning, why? I wrote on My "Day Dreamer" Planner, why? I wrote I have an appointment tomorrow. 

My Father left me at the CAVE CARE group home around 11:30AM.  Handed me four boxes of Lucky Strike Cigarettes and $40. I also received my Healthy Benefits Package! !  It's the Nineth, and I watched church, this Sunday! Woke up and it was raining, I had several cups of good coffee and even some Starbucks cold brew. With the fellowship of group home members, although, I wonder what is too much and never want to hurt myself by giving time or things they aren't needing or are ungrateful for; for instance giving a woman a pack for some money. Went to breakfast with my dear dad and he told me something. I learned this Sunday that even I am not that strong. I resist the urge to fight, but when verbally over vented has happened; I turn into a recluse and that's not at all possible because tomorrow I have to go to The Center!  Three Coca-Cola's gone and three dollars gone and still, an organized backpack! Even though, I had tried several times to make