Sunday, November 26, 2023

Sunday Funday

    I just came back inside from smoking, and I am thinking about how this week is going to go. It's 10:35AM and all the coffee is gone and I'm enjoying having a bed and my laptop open. Listening to some music and thinking about how this is the last week of the month! We stayed outside for ten minutes, had eggs, sausage, and biscuits for breakfast. Oh! November was a nice month; I enjoyed My Mom's Birthday and Thanksgiving and being around my group.  

    What can I do today that will make this week go better? Thinking about how Christmas is on a Monday on the 25th and the last week of the month. Self-Love is important and much needed; and I know I'll be at the center all week. 

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Saturday Skillet

    I just came inside from smoking two or three cigarettes; and I am resting in bed after drinking coffee. My Dad took me out to Skillet N' Grill, again this morning. I had chicken and waffles and honey Dijon and I have some of an omelet in the fridge. A quiet morning: but the silly part is I haven't been waking up when my alarm goes off at 6AM. Instead, I've been waking up after turning it off around the time the house worker arrives. 

    It's about ten thirty; and I have Pinterest open and need inspiration. Maybe learn on how to improve my relationships or just find something interesting in general. It's the weekend and I have nothing planned and nothing to do. 

    Ten Things I AM grateful for: 1. My Family: I have a great Father, who I can depend on. Thank you for taking me out to breakfast! 2. My Daily Writing Ability! 3. My Love of God 4. SSI 5. A Warm Bed 6. Clothing and getting to do laundry once a week. 7. Drinks and food! 8. Relationships within the group home. 9. Reading Articles. 10. Transportation to places I need to get to.'


Friday, November 24, 2023

Friday After Thanksgiving

    Back inside from smoking, sitting on my bed and just drank my last Pepsi. I had a great thanksgiving, and my roommate is playing Christmas music. A couple of days ago, she surprised me by buying me gummy bears. My Dad came and picked me up Wednesday at 11AM and we went to go eat at King Buffet. It was a big buffet full of every type of Chinese food. Then we got a fishing license at Walmart, and he got me a vanilla milkshake from Sonic. The little one wanted a lot of "Alone Time"! 

    Then on Thanksgiving, Mom and Dad spent all day cooking together. I stayed in the extra bedroom and each night I fell asleep earlier than they did. We had ham, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, and some other stuff. That night Mom made a pecan pie and we had ice cream. I don't cook and mostly we eat at the center that we attend Mon-Fri from 9AM to 2PM. I guess the rest of the group is there, anyway, I have no idea where most of the group is. 

    Then He dropped me off at 9:45AM, after we ate at Skillet N' Grill! I had chicken and waffles, and my leftovers are in the Fridge. Had Smart Popcorn and a Big Red and a Pepsi, and a lot of coffee. It's the Friday after Thanksgiving and I don't have much money, only about $8. 

Saturday, November 18, 2023

The Weekend

My Dad took me out to breakfast at Skillet N' Grill; I had chicken n' waffles with honey Dijon mustard. He overslept and picked me up around 9:45AM; and we had a lovely breakfast. It's 11:20AM and I am sitting on my bed; with my laptop open thinking about how they didn't go home for Thanksgiving but instead wanted to spend Thanksgiving with me!  In three days; plus including today, ... I will be over at my parents' house spending The Thanksgiving Holiday. I'm Excited!

I need to learn to budget my money better! I spent most of my money this week; and I have $6 left. Payday isn't for another two or three weeks. On the 2nd he gave me $60 on Venmo; and he gave me $60 cash and took me shopping on the 4th. I bought my pink and purple camo pants; they weren't exactly what I wanted but their still cute and cost less than $20 for both of them. I added $10 to My iPhone 11 account and bought two new apps: The Minimalist App and Chronical. I spent $15 and bought my little ones Christmas and Birthday presents. 

Today is a day for cleaning up; I mopped the floor, right before I left to go to breakfast. I have a closet full of clothing,... A nightside table and a nightside dresser drawer,... 

Just ate a hamburger and french fries for lunch and drank half a Pepsi, I only have three or four Pepsi's left.

Today is a day to take care of myself! If you don't take care of yourself, things don't go good. My stomach hurts and I'm still coughing a little bit. 

Thursday, November 16, 2023

A Decent Week

What do you consider something meaningful. This morning, I woke up to wearing my pink camo sweatpants from Temu. It's been a good week so far besides everyone being sick. It's Friday Tomorrow, and I just got off the phone with My Father. Thier not going to Mississippi Tomorrow and instead invited me over for Thanksgiving. The little one got sick with a virus and I hope he gets better soon. It's almost 4PM and time to smoke, we didn't talk long but he's taking me to breakfast on Saturday Morning around 8AM. 

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Sickness Sunday

It's the last day of the weekend before we have to go to The Center. Drinking coffee and had three donuts and a breakfast burrito. Listening to Elevation Church Online; changed my sweatpants because I stinked like piss, this morning and it's disgusting and mostly all my clothes are dirty, and I can't wash them till Wednesday. I wish I felt better, ... I had been coughing and coughing and barely feeling like myself. Drinking coffee; remembering all the good things God has done or is still doing. 

It's 11:40AM; and it's almost lunch time. I won't see my family for a while because they're going to Mississippi, so My Father can go hunting. Sitting here with all my pens out and thinking of what to do next. I'm taking courses on Coursera but chose to chill out and prepare for the week.

Had a Dr. Pepper, then two PB&J sandwiches. Then walked next door and bought two Venom Energy Drinks. Went outside and smoked and now I'm just sitting on my bed relaxing. 

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Veteran's Day Birthday

Dad just dropped me off at the Rosedale house around 9AM; and as soon as I arrived, I turned in my medicine box and got a cup of coffee. We celebrated My Mother's 55TH Birthday last night; and ate at "The Taste Of Europe" and I ordered Braught Werst and mustard and a German Beer. We didn't go to Narah's last night, but we celebrated a good Birthday. I gave her a vest and a sweater, and a card. He picked me up at 11:45 AM and I left my medicine at the group home, and we had to go back and get the medicine around 2:20PM after we got lunch at Sonic; I got an Orange Cream Slush and Double Bacon Cheeseburger and large onion rings. 

It felt good being with the family, despite the fact I was sick. I have been coughing since the third of this month and wheezing and when I cough I sometimes have been pissing on myself. I was asked on Thursday what I wanted to do with my life; and honestly I wish I knew. Pondering that question, while one roommate who just asked a wierd question and the rest of them are eating pancakes. 

I had fun eatting at Skillet N' Grill with My Father this morning and unfortunately, they'll be out of town next weekend. They're going to Mississippi on the seventeenth and won't be back till the twenty sixth. Dad gave me four packs of Lucky Strike Cigarettes. I sheepishly asked, . . . Dad for some more money but he didn't give me any, he said last week I used all my pay and I still have $35 left over. 

Monday, November 6, 2023

Mostly Monday

Today, I need a nap and I'm relaxing in my bed with my cuddly pink Hello Kitty Blanket; I got for My 36TH Birthday. I long for comfort and none of this nonsense; we just got finished eating two ham and cheese sandwiches and I had two bags of chips barbeque chips and Cheetos and a Pepsi. We celebrated a birthday today at the center and had a cupcake. I have a bad cough and cold and am wheezing, I hope this passes soon.  

I had a really great weekend; bought a nice $26 Time and True Purse and $26 Time and True Boots. Waiting for my new purple and pink camouflage pants to come in around the seventeenth. That was one of the main things we went to Walmart to look for and we couldn't find them. I ended up buying them on Temu for $20; and spent $15 on gifts for the little one. 

I don't have much left, but we're finally having Pizza tonight! 

Sunday, November 5, 2023

First Weekend Of November

​Eating a good sandwich 🥪, Cheetos, and drinking a Pepsi; sitting with the group of girls and having a good lunch. Today is Daylight Savings Day, so the clocks ⏰ turned back an hour and I can’t reset my wrist watch ⌚️. It’s the start of November and I don’t have much money and went shopping 🛒 yesterday with My Father after we ate at Skillet N’ Grill where I got chicken and waffles and grits with gravy.

I am having a hard time getting along with the group and sitting in the living room and just provided our caregiver a Pepsi. I am eating a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos and finishing my Pepsi. As we watch some Country Western Show on TV 📺. All these individuals go broke then want to complain and this loud mouth 👄 talking about hurtful stuff needs to stop 🛑.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Warning Wednesday Washed

Today rent was due $700; I'm sitting in my room thinking of the things that are too come this month. It's annoying to always get asked for cigarettes but the new house is ok. It's a one story house right by a store where I recently bought a Pod King XC5000 Elf Bar.  

Besides two people throwing fits and that rent has gone up. At least I have a roof over my head and a comfy bed to sit and rest and lay on. I get paid about $260 on Friday; and I am looking forward to getting a fishing license with My Father. 

Wanting to go to Walmart and To Luxor's this weekend on Saturday. I came home to find that my bedding and my clothing were done and I have plenty of laundry pods to wash clothes with, luckily I've been grateful for. Found these great sweatpants that are purple and pink camouflage.

Bought these purple and pink camo sweatpants for less than $20 on Temu! I've been doing a lot of shopping on Temu. 


Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Happy Halloween 🎃

​Just arrived at The South Side Adult Day Care Center; it’s too cold 🥶 to stay outside for a long time. I just took four pills; an iron pill, a prosight, a daily vitamin, and a vitamin D! After going outside to smoke a cigarettes and I gave out two. It’s Halloween 🎃 and I have my pumpkin 🎃 shirt on, sweatpants halfway pulled up to show my pumpkin 🎃 patch leggings and am carrying three hand sized pumpkins 🎃.

Monday, October 30, 2023

Monday Morals of Worship

PRSA Preacher

The Preacher; we just had a great breakfast of oatmeal 🥣 and toast with strawberries 🍓 jelly. I haven’t received a rosary from him but several women in here have. I have three cross necklaces though and thought 💭 about wearing my blue lapis cross necklace. Good coffee was all I craved when I woke up this morning. The chilly 🥶 wind 🌬️ and weather outside and wearing my jacket, I picked up from MHMR two years ago. 

It’s Monday and I am broken and broker than I would like to be. Wearing a Garfield shirt that my roommate gave me. I am excited about tomorrow because it is Halloween 🎃 and we’re having a party here at the South Side Adult Day Care Center.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Sunday Funday Startlement

 I just heard that rent was $200; and in my Day Dreamer Planner I had the first two months writen nicely and correlatively and I am determined to do good. Despite a woman in her 40's who talks too much and constantly wants to fight me; trying to configure the best and cheapest way to go about this with money with and from my Father as My Pay-E; seems nobody keeps a secret and they have sued me. The hurtful memories are more comforting, right? Eventually? Pressure to do too much with having a negative one dollar balance. The noise is more than I can stand since most of my phone has rang up two hundred spam calls all month and theres still a full week before we get paid. I normally have never gotten paid from writing online but my sister has done well on it. Pull Stats and hurting my work till I am at close death; as girls scream kill her and make her rot in the streets. Though, why would I fall for that? My 
Nineteenth Crypt Red Sweatshirt; currently wearing my lamb chop cotton dark black sweatshirt feeling too angry for words. I am told to give a lot and work a lot and what does that leave me left. Only a blood clot in my throat and the thought of buying hormonal perfume in my wishlist from Walmart. I try to stay on budget; filling my LiLa on the eighteenth time wanderlusting if I am going to be able to have a pink one because Alpha Kappa Alpha is my life. Check here for My Amazon Wishlist! Amazon Wishing

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Saturday Settlement

Trajectories from Testing for the rest of the mindful month and far off visions,... seemingly getting better as I just finished my own box of food and saved the coffee cup from Skillet N' Grill where Dad and I went on our date to eat breakfast like we usually do every morning.  It rained for a while, and I woke up at 6AM and took a shower; as we are used to the good families sticking mainly too themselves. Next month; I am looking forward too going shopping with my father too Walmart because we haven't gone to Walmart since two months ago. If everybodies different then we all understand eachother; a harder burden on myself than I would like. Though when I meet this councilor she said that would be nice of her answer to my mothers burning question of if the ten year old and myself could have our own friends. After many recognitions that I read the first chapter of Joyce Girl and plan on finishing it this winter. The holidays seem all blood clotted up and over expenditured; be careful with yourself and other people. Last time in jail does happen in January of 2020 to March 2020 and the next time I go to jail I will go to jail for six months; although I haven't been too impatient or persistent and I am figuring we are all bipolar from The Bible. I'm on page 215; Deuteronomy 24,! In My/Our Big Media Journalism Bible. So after reading these both this afternoon {y?} Leaving Us Bitter Illegal / Immigrants,...

* * *      * * * * *      * * * *      * *      * * * * * * * ** * *
We one day will all equal God Sisters and no one is stronger than anyone else because it's illegal to fight your sisters, even if you come from the wierdest / wildest / worldly/ wiked / wisest music in the world - Johnny Boy

*****     **********


Was I too loud; since we moved in I have heard 258 statements screamed at me from a mean girl weakening from what's angry and taken her pain and anger out on me, from what was a dudes first fault but I shouldn't be blamed and no longer do I welcome cuz' nothing comes free;... WordPress or Blogger; and remembering my brain memory realizing how desperate even I am too share money and that I was grateful for my Ghost drink but it doesn't all equal to equal, does it A! Life isn't a straight path with your way going all the time and people can make it hard on people.

Either way this girl was too messy and too messed up; for anything to really help her a pick pocket, has a right to do,... what from a princess! The first proprietor has what chance if the item was stolen? so even to the day she pretty much owned my fifteen sticker dollars in questioning. Asking me too leave since day one of this adventure was her worst mistake. To take her too Casa Azul where I bought the ungrateful woman a hot chocolate mocha and myself a Marigold Mocha has been a mistake. 

*** *** * * * * * ** ** *** 

I appreciate everything a dark-skinned queen like A does for me including one, two, three store bought drinks this week. Any room this size of eighteen by eighteen equalled it as a missing pack of Lucky Strikes went missing; charging my Geek Vape now. Found a better friend from NIK and she traded me Lucky Juice Mixed Berry EJuice for a coral colored Geek Vaporizer; and I can't believe that it's already Halloween. Marking off one of my task of a no spend challenge to give away a valuable gift to another person. I don't know why now that since I tried all those rings on I now had too give my necklaces away and why such a younger woman who promises me that she does anything and everything. 

I own the Lavendar one since August 11th 2023 

    Smoking on Mixed Berry and hearing my roommate and another housemate stepped in to my room, she has always been stealing from me and this item better never go missing and I really don't like sharing it with other people especially people with bad attititudees but today I had had a good attitude and finished my plate of waffles after working on my Blogger and Wordpress for an hour 

Friday, October 27, 2023

Friday Fan Fantasy

​I just 🔥 burnt the bottom of my lip,… pipper with a pipping hot cup of coffee but on my lips 👄 there is a black stain. As if; several black women have tried to kiss me. I remember it almost and I am sitting on the far right packed with a good amount of stuff that I consider money. Relax or 💊 after all we already took our medication 💊. An observant one and a one fearful for her life. Meanwhile; I am a mixture of all types of personalities?

Dad spilt the news 📰 that I got SSI/SSA/RSDI; acceptance of a red line purse 👜 that actually the pipping hot 🥵 coffee got all over my skin. Waiting for “MY” ❤️‍🩹🗳️🪖🦅💰 Next $20 purchase on TEMU with the Axtillotal and waiting for my three 💕📱🔥🧶🍂🎃 Pumpkins 🎃 and painted my nails 💅 orange 🍊 to match.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

A gift is A Gift 🎁

​Its Seven Twenty Two In the Morning!!! Got ready pretty,… nicely,… put my red hoodie on and am wearing army green! I’ve had a Cupid 💘 tounge ring since I have had my blood 🩸 drawn on Tuesday. I remember the shop;… Tuesday Morning and it was fun. Though today is Thursday Morning!!!

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

A Listers Brunch & Lunch

Tap here to start composing...  Breakfast to Lunch  “Nothing In This World 🌍 Is Free!!!” We pay 💰 from our insurance accounts to receive ourselves and I received mine from 2013 towards 2023; AM & I wasn’t DQ Driven Quickly to spend more “Than I actually achieved” Chosen One’s,… Queen 👸 brunette and who is this blonde? I have had blonde 👱‍♀️ highlights but didn’t get them this year,… listening to “Me Self 💜 Self Seeking Righteous One” accompanied by her 200 lovers. 

We have always been supportive and supported and a nice 42 year old woman offered me encouragement and ejuice tomorrow and I mostly made a B

I only wanted!!!

​Be careful with posting people on Social Media; when I was seven to seventeen,… I wanted a P.L.U.R. ⬆️💵🚰📎🍙 Marriage. I used to make homemade jewelry and hand them out, at parties 🎊 and I didn’t get hurt. As, long as I didn’t get hurt,… My parents supported my lifestyle. As long as, my own personal interests and intentions were good and I wanted too advance in it. I would be sharing a lot more with my group. Like the five given to me by my best guy friend Jose without bothering to bring up his past and pasturing and pastoral services of Mr. Ronni Washington on Wash Day Wednesday.

we owe & own !!!

Seeking out my Thin Mints Box; which is a clear parcel pouch 👝 and still seeking my original beauty and cleverness as DG “Twilight Struggle” ! Just did my 👁️ red eyeliner & waiting for my breakfast 🧇 wandering,… Halloween 🎃 Pumpkin Farm willingly will show up eventually and today I am hoping,… to trade line my alpha gamma holster sack to a reddish floral tote 👜. I spent $78 on TEMU $78!!!

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Tuesday’s Testimony Testing

​I did away with WP; I am proud of any written work, I have ever done but not to the point where I bragging too much. Pretty much too mulch! Not too mention I bought a.25$ coffee at MHMR Penn Square Concepcion! Drank it in five minutes because it is a small! Merge Garden 🪴 is a good game; and I also downloaded Harry Potter. 

Got to the lab 🥼 technician and he drew two vials of blood 🩸. I told him I liked his tattoos and wanted another one. Anyways both the guys I saw 👀 were too hot that I couldn’t have them. I’m pretty much straight and single and when I get back to the South Side Adult Day Care Center; I don’t know what I will do, 

good friend

I  love  Johnna this is us! Her, name is,… or should I keep that safe? Way! Gave my anti bacterial soap keycharm away.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

The New House Worker

Sitting here eating a bowl of Frosted Flakes cereal, and just got a large cup of good coffee. Just came back inside from smoking two cigarettes after I drank a cup of coffee and took my medicine. We have a new house worker, named Mrs. Letha! 

I have had my eyes open only hoping to receive this month’s TEMU packages. I haven’t broke any of the rules and have mostly remained silent in my room all day. Except three of us, went outside the back to go smoke then came right back inside.

Thursday, October 12, 2023


​It’s October 12th; a start of a fresh new year of going to the center. About now, a third into my second cup of coffee. Just made a Halloween Mask; …

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Wednesday Wake Up ⬆️

​I use an IPhone 11 👾💜; the last two times I tried to post it/it wouldn’t allow me to, also, it’s been an hour and a half since I woke up. I’m ready for coffee ☕️ knowing’s of what I am currently doing is mostly what topic I write about. With my purple scarf 🧣 and purple Geek Vape 💨 in hand,… 

“Let us lift up our heart with our hands unto God in the heavens.” Lamentations 3 : 41

Nobody wants to get things mixed up; knowing we came from a lot of mixers together. Thank God, Mr. Tracy is here and we can start our day! We received our five lucky 🍀 strike cigarettes; which I am trying to hold onto mine. Though;… I know when they ask, ask, and ask;… we normally only went one e

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

The True Test

This woman has and is currently my girlfriend; who got me a snicker bar ice 🧊 cream and a nectarine 🍑 ! Her name is Myrah Malcom! Someone taking center stage does not hurt me but when they do in mean and disgusting way. My own motive, especially when they aren’t actively thinking and gross 🤮 and groseum. 

Tuesday’s Testimony

​Good Morning; Mr. Tracy just arrived and yet again I didn’t wake up when the alarm ⏰ went off! I am sitting outside with the group,… smoking! I was able to change my layout to one that doesn’t have columns! I like it better! Knowing that we need to treat people respectfully and yesterday;… my father and family were back from Hot 🥵 Springs. We talked about how those people were cousins and he asked me if I had been a good girl. I’m kinda concerned that my 🖤 emoticons show nothing but a blonde haired girl.

Even at 8:07AM;… I kinda was upset that for the twentieth time my Zippo from two Christmas 🎄 ago went missing again. My slushy blue Mio went out also! Thinking about how this life is and isn’t fair! Though too much on that thought would destroy me.

Monday, October 9, 2023

Welcome Home Group

​I think I am tearing up,… laying on my stomach enjoying everything I have. Though; there is a point, a seven week statement about plugging in the Wi-Fi? To weirder questions; such as will you let me use your Hotspot and we’re finding tons of people out of their element. For instance; I have only $28 on my debit card 💳 which is just a card? Though yeah;,,, Yeah! I once was a very charitable sweethearted girl! Especially as good as the coffee Mrs. Miranda allowed this morning before we got on the bus. Though;… lately I have been throwing a fit, I only made $120 this month and knowingly I am Bipolar. 

OH! I didn’t choose all my money 💵 over people just like my best boyfriend but we’re so pressed in that yeah, even though daddy doesn’t want me too have a boyfriend, I still respect this man a lot. 

Telling people; what to pack, as it happened again, when I got home. I 💫 started unpacking my backpack but didn’t want too. 

My Vapor Bar! Especially this room is or isn’t messy; these sure are expensive items I have afforded and don’t want anyone to mess with. Handing out my last Red Raspberry Bigelow tea bag 💼 to Donna. ℹ setteling for my elf bar 🇲🇱 Malibu instead of the one I can’t get. I would love to understand better about a lot but maybe there’s no changing their minds. 

Morally Broken Monday

​We pilled into the MITs bus at 2:15PM; right after I had taken some Pepto from the nurse and we were done having a busy day. I found one pack of cigarettes in my backpack that my Dear Dad,.,, gave me, that we shared today. Kind of knowingly didn’t write at all and that’s about four case worker books 📚 ! 

Mouth 👄 Made Of Sugar


I have been looking at this $22 dollar vape 💨 for the last seven days; through the window 🪟 of my cousin’s store. Who keeps reminding me, I am broke and people broke me. Hopefully I will get my chance to get one and smoke it by Thursday of this week. It’s marked at a good price 

Moody MOP Monday

​Should I be telling people; like, they have been telling myself? I guess,… there’s no money I wanted to spend especially when the $20 I spent ended up in & to my Boss’s Mrs. Charnel’s bank 🏦 account on Apple 🍎 Pay. I was reminded that yesterday was Akon Day but yeah, as forewarned I hadn’t had any part of Downtown Fort Worth. I know I want to trust these people though.

My Life on Alt Default

In the first place,… I started sensing something weird and strange six months ago. It’s October,… October Feast is far but over. Two people are all this bloody blog had reached. Not like I had packed pads in case that does happen on Indigenous People Day. Especially,… a nurse walked in asking if I knew about my Indian Heritage Background. 

I just asked about cigarettes 🚬 wishing to receive our and my own five? Well, aren’t we? Instead we brought our selves too the over packed buses 🚍 carrying way too much stuff. It’s us in the bus at 8:49AM; and I just had the best cup of coffee so today doesn’t EQ to Casa Azul.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

It’s Eight Sunny Days Into …

​The thing that is important is that we didn’t want all of everyones money 💰!!! I do understand that I am in ☠️🎃👻 punishment about walking and sitting on the front porch there smoking two times last month;… cost 💲 me 100$ 🌹🪭💌! 

Twix’s Ice Brew was a the sweet treat!

about my magical 🧙‍♀️ flashy Alarm; and getting into The Cave Care Group Home; is about doing the right things. I was very satisfied when Mr. Tracy came but I kept reminding them I was too flashy when I came in to live here eight years ago, when my adopted son was two. 

Sunday, August 20, 2023

All Month Of August

I can hear the people downstairs,... fighting! I'm sitting in the changed room, been in this room twelve days; to the left of the stairwell by myself. Mrs. Charnel is here! We're getting ready for dinner and I have to go to the center tomorrow. Life is more, about yourself and how you feel; set your mind to something and make something out of it! If only they would give us opportunities to grow and flourish like the good Lord does.

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Happy Thirty Sixth Birthday

It's the day after "My Thirty Sixth Birthday"; and I am the only one in my room at the moment. Thankful for time alone and grateful for growing up. I just started charging My Geek Vape and it's hot outside, about 102'. Enjoyed lunch, of chicken wings, green peas, and a roll. I came home to Hightower at 9:15PM after my parents and I drank coffee and father and I smoked hookah. I must say, that I have the coolest parents ever and they are very supportive. We shared wild berry hookah and we stayed at Narah's lounge for about two hours. First, they picked me up at five thirty and I got in the back seat of their aqua Ford Bronco; my mom had made me a sour cream pound cake that is almost gone. I hope everyone in the house enjoyed it. I also had brought my medicine; in a clear round container and I didn't take my medication until after I got home at. First we went to Jin's; which was renamed KBBBQ and had about three plates a piece. At the table there we cooked meats that we got from a buffet and had Chinese noodles and pumpkin porridge. I received A New Journalism Bible, and I plan on reading it straight till the end. 

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Pinapple Under Tow

The VETERANS MEMORIAL RESTRAUNTED RESTRAINTS; are off to do their own thing!  

We've Already Said These Statements! Break is off and on; some of these we're and weren't recyclable! It's been a 68 Month Fight! I told my Recovery Manager : Chassidy Moore; I Was Reading The Rooster House when she was driving home. Habitually It's Unfair and habitable they say everyone in the country has an affair! I have always had my mom and my dad and I know they love me and I want them too love me a little more everyday! From Sound Boards, To Laptops, To Four Bedrooms; with collectors items! 

Anything is a collectors item but some people take that itemized guns too personally : Just remember somethings don't last forever - Rain Drops and Igloos

The Tower, The Metric, The Birthday;... Was it the Skitzo? Was it still sneaking into me 15? 26? 38? Wasn't what I wanted too reversal stare at! I'm proud;... of anything and everything;... Is a bad curse! February 14th; THE MONEY : ON CASH APP TO & FROM MY VENMO! My People Never; Went Crazy Over Money! Though; I have been calm,.. My Gift Today;... was "Dwindling Cash!" Though; The Most Frustrating thing is when my VENMO got messed up! Sitting on the floor with my laptop and phone battery! Which Dad used to say "When You Grow Up + There Will Be A Lot Of Battery!" So; about two to three months ago we went to buy this Ankler Wall Charger! With it's light blue phone charger at 3" and IT's ONN!  

I was married at sixteen; at working for Chris Everette's Momma. Though; ODDLY ENOUGH! A Doctor Had;.. Walked in and and wrote on a piece of paper that My Name Is Now "Johnna Johanson" 

My Pay-E Is Not My Lover

 I was respectful; but I'm growing older! I went to breakfast with My Father, yesterday, at 8:03AM He Called Me! I Remember all the phones he gave me and he said I better never loose this "Lily" IPhone 11! We all work together here if we really are CAVE CARE which rightfully our place is too hide Though to keep a reputation, I have known I wrote to much about My Faja. In 2003 I tried to save his life and his wifes life! It was crashing, my world, a top Boy Scout and a Top Girl Scout; because my parents owned the world in Kennedale Also a lot of hits had been towards me for how active I was. Recreational didn't mean sex and selling girlscout cookies did create cookies on the internet and each and every personal one was expensive! 

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Dear Child;...

When I sent you off; k,..."" I only attended a few gun shows and the last one I Truly,... REMEMBER was 2012! Parents always told me "There are Good and Bad People In This World!" We're in Purgatory because of medicine? I do and don't believe it but that is what I have known, since 2017, in a Humanities Course, that taught me that there's over 701 different religions.  If the house is damaged; then stop damaging it! Is it lust? Is it bullying? 

If You Really Loved Your Friends, You Would Stop Hurting Their Items & Lovers and Support The Shops They Go To! I know this is too early and too fast to be a hurt item! Because It Was Bought January 15th this 2023 on My Dad's Birthday!

My Father & I Paid $78 when we, just recently bought this GEEK VAPE AGEIS & I am needing this black girlfriend of mine who lives in this house to stop breaking them! 

From My Leo Mothering Horoscope! I have creativity to spare; a spare tire made me late to Geography and when I tried to go back to it, the next day to University of Texas of Arlington. 10,000 people got in my way from making it too school for objects and my own wallet! That's the second time I really did live on the streets and I've been sixteen years homeless.

I consider I had a thousand and one mg of Caffiene today and why are they draining it from my body? MY MR. INCREDIBLE DAD gave me headphones two weekends ago. I called him on at 3:39PM; and He was on the way home and when he finally made it, C* and I we're half way to the corner store, since it was MURAL MUTUAL RESPECT! I don't try to steal the Lime Light! I enjoy my own STUDIO equipment also, and they are normally on me. Just like I came from the campus, originaly! 

I just got back from walking from the edge of HighTower to and from the corner store,... things I'd like to fade off me? shade off me? I deal with the, things I have too! Though; I recieved My Own and Yes we do belong to each our own individual owner! Kurt & Christy FLOYD! I have spent thirty years, perfecting a craft! #3 to #11 to #13 from Sale's Girls, Bass Club, and Healthy Student Associations. I Recieved My Iron Pills, Hydrocortisone Cream, Quality Care Asprin, hehehe,... AFTER A NOZ DRINK, I chewed on it, then took an Iron Pill. Pat Dried my arm with Hydrocortosone Cream and Now I'm listening to some favorite music. Career Report | Store : Couldn't and Wouldn't Afford Everything It Always Wanted; In Fact I Don't Pride Myself Before The Fall!

I'm charging,... My GEEK VAPE! FROM MY LAPTOP! The beginning way I charged my vape!

Monday, July 10, 2023

Southern Side Center Safety

I'm kind of jealous of how my wanting to treat them good gadgets; at 14 to 16;...  I was Go Go Gadget, until I was 23 to about 27 on occasions. I was a True Life Raver; DJ RIVERS! For My Father's Day, I tried to tell him about stories of the past and he has slowly told me stories of the past. Safety; is provided by yourself in most situations

 everything, welp then it was some things. Whoever is making a mess out of things and making me cough I promised people, nothing; I have $23 for the; only thing I have been buying we're snacks and today I bought a Blueberry Swisher and Blueberry C4 at $3.25! I handed John, a $1, The French guy $8 and where is the great division of team to sweathearts? I remember being Joan and this persistent question is a bit annoying. 

It's barely the start of the week, and eighteen days before my birthday; Jose told me I was going to have a big party at the center!  Although; I am dawning on the fact to look and ask for all of that wasn't such a sweat thing for me too do. I don't want it too get on my nerves and yes I have had three panic attacks on campus and I haven't mentioned much about my female parts. In which; I am hearing a lot about. It's the start of the week and I am just as weak! .

Sunday, July 9, 2023

The Week After Independence

I had a Pleasant Saturday, thinking too myself! After Dad had left, I really started to pay attention to my own heart, again. I listened to some music and too about five educational segments. Then around 3:15PM; I walked to the corner store, TEXACO, and spent $9.06 and bought; a snack? lunch? of Muncho's, A Green Apple Gatorade, and Red Original Venom. I am in Advertising and I enjoy taking photos of what I purchase and.I needed to buy it because around that time I had gotten hungry and I didn't have a plate of lunch, although, The Chicken N' Waffles; we're great but me and my father didn't talk very much but about ten minutes. Outside, of our favorite morning ritual!

I question, myself, what direction,... since I am turning thirty-six what direction I will be heading myself into. My phone doesn't necessarily go into my laptop and the photos don't connect. In fact there's a lot of technical things I would like to know right now; but either I haven't had the time, patience, or objective too I don't know a day that I look mainly too my cell phone or laptop for stats; even though I took the course their simply aren't any. It's 7:18PM; just took my medication as the group was in a line, there's currently six residents in the house on Hightower. I need to read my MHMR handbook; as I am still questioning, why? I wrote on My "Day Dreamer" Planner, why? I wrote I have an appointment tomorrow. 

My Father left me at the CAVE CARE group home around 11:30AM.  Handed me four boxes of Lucky Strike Cigarettes and $40. I also received my Healthy Benefits Package! !  It's the Nineth, and I watched church, this Sunday! Woke up and it was raining, I had several cups of good coffee and even some Starbucks cold brew. With the fellowship of group home members, although, I wonder what is too much and never want to hurt myself by giving time or things they aren't needing or are ungrateful for; for instance giving a woman a pack for some money. Went to breakfast with my dear dad and he told me something. I learned this Sunday that even I am not that strong. I resist the urge to fight, but when verbally over vented has happened; I turn into a recluse and that's not at all possible because tomorrow I have to go to The Center!  Three Coca-Cola's gone and three dollars gone and still, an organized backpack! Even though, I had tried several times to make 

Friday, June 30, 2023

Finch & Fanch Friday

Preface: My Blog explains details about my life and where I respect my own rights and responsibilities. I am thankful for staff, everywhere I go, and I have a very clean well trained mouth to talk to authorities. I am thankful for every program that has grown to make me the person I am.

I'm glad, I am going to breakfast with my father tomorrow; for the last few weekends he has been calling me on Friday. I have grown less eager to be over there and I just got home from The Northside Adult Day Care Center, about 3:30PM. I am excited though, at the same time. Most people that know me, know I have bipolar disorder. It was fun, at the center, we celebrated a Birthday for Crystal. When talking to people, you should be kind and respectful and I learned the hard way that I don't always have to hog all the attention or prove I'm worthy. It's 4:46PM, and there's still more cleaning to be done today. 

Yesterday, I stayed home and tried to get a lot of work done. It's continuos progress throughout the year that makes for the best. Everyday counts, even if I didn't get one of the workers to change my nail coloring and I was requested to keep it on there. I really don't know how to speak because growing up, there was a lot of verbal abuse and would I mention Alchole? Although; I got over it and have noticed energy drinks can cause a problem also. I really like to deep think when I was 26 and hearing this over the frequency of the fan that our group home has had for seven years is sometimes disheartening.

I mentioned, almost too many times, I was alright and when I mentioned the last three with my counselor, I could barely understand or hear. Then when My Recovery Manager and I talked to my psychiatrist; we did discuss the same problem we have been having all year. There's about ten people on the team in charge of me and those are the only one's I trust far enough to say friends. I was mainly grown up by some of the rudest people who begged for friendship, in the entire world. That's why I don't trust that word.

Right To Treatment Yes! I believe people have the right to learn about treatment without taking the individual rights of the person who refers them. I do my best to treat everyone fairly but lately things haven't been going so fairly in the group home. It's not my job and there's definitly a social unjustice that has always lingered on anything I own, Anything I work on, and anything that was made for me. Since I became a young model at the age of six. I have only been overseas to travel once since the age of birth when I moved here at 3 1/2 we first moved to South Carolina because I guess we couldn't live in Houston, Mississippi. It was during the civil war; feeling with a cigarette more than a couple of minutes ago, unabashidly wearing sweatpants it feels like it's happening all over again. Soon, I will be thirty six and I can make my own decisions which sometimes I regret at fifteen that we had made a huge pact of friends that are still around but vicious lies and manipulation are getting a lot of us hurt. 

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Carpenters On The Roof

The Carpenters: have been working for two day, I sit here and ponder how long their assignment is! As stated by The Woman Leader; It will last two weeks. I have not paid them much attention, but rumors about them being my second cousins and even being romantically involved, is highly unpolite and pointed out by several of these house members who daily stalk my sit and my room. No one, in the entire town deserves to have their money and monetary items destroyed, stolen, or tricked by otherings.

I have been sitting in my room, for the last 45 minutes,.... Math really is funnier, and I ask them to leave my individual rights alone, by picking up a MHMR law guidebook to work on what has really been happening in the last decade, which would entirely take too long. To long for what I won't provide, all the time, really gets on my nerves. As a group of Cave Care Consensus it's not my job to provide this person with peck it with and at me cigarettes to lead to humiliation from humanitarian science.

When you account it to the sound of a hammer and nail going into the panels. A drummer has past away several months ago and I sit here praying to hold on to any amount of life I have left. I have dated two carpenters, my first when I was only fifteen, . . . and we would go into, places only we know. The sounds and hoping their careful up there and knowing that their equipment is mandatory as I learn about writing for young readers. Sometimes, it's been my accountability project and I tested that for myself and on Monday a pack of Lucky Strikes wen't missing. I bought an Omarion Rainbow Blast Vaporizer Today for $30; which are normally displayed at our local Texaco but cost $47. I bought it at Artisan Vapor's when I talked to my Peer Support Counselor from Diadem Hearts. 

I went to MHMR this morning, and when Mr. Tracy got here the Carpenters we're already here. I got home at 12PM, after my appointment and the day before my birthday, I have another appointment!

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Fights On Power

Our Washing Day At Home! Hey It's Swiggy! I have written 180 sentences, since I have sat down at 1:15AM towards 1:30AM! Now that's deffinitly the same kind of screen stealing that was going on in Public Relations, Senior Year! The information I did need was appropriate and it would have helped teaching. Though, the most embarrasing and costly part of Father's Day was that Emily and I and Hannah-Beth, we're under a deeper problematic response to our IPhone's and any thing from an electronical, what he wanted to be called as a master degree mastermind. In which he isn't and I guess I got so stuck up that I didn't want him to see me, at all. I told his wife that she was pretty, told my mom " I had a good time " , Told My Dad " I Love Him!". Nothing is that free, nor is it dumb. Dad told me; that is is for the month,... I'm hoping and very fearful, that it meant forever. Sounding tretcherous and extreme for extreme things I am doing on my own safely in a group home. 

Today, As A LEO;... This rest and relax, This afternoon, I want too talk about My Father's Day Weekend. It's not about the stuff I can accumulate from these people. Nor, how much I can buy them! Neither one of these are really my responsibility. It's too take good care of myself, my educated and earning more brain and being nice and polite to other people. We have recently found the most violent and vicious tips in our favorite restraunt, this past Saturday. Although; I reminded them that they are also just people. 

The First Shopping Trip on The First Weekend; Was to Wal-Mart and we spent $200 where I got New Summer Collection Chapstick in Mint, Rose, and Almond. Then two cases of AHA soda water, and Spectrum Make-Up pallette of eyeshadow in ten shades, $10 pack of earrings, bug spray.

People really are trying to earse people's brains and take their degrees and force them to do manual labor. This little woman, doesn't even know me nor need to know me that well and I think their all fiesty and I am sitting here, typing about fixing my life, as many just said they're bored. Then walk to your own danger. 

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Too Much Sunday

 It's almost everyday because of this woman, Amber Alerts from when I was at good parties. They stated the bigger the smoking I do the more they wouldn't smoke. In which I gave, them no permission and especially not a permissable pass to themselves as lesbians and gays to smoke fags around blackish eyed peas best worker. I'm upsetting today, and have been for the last three weeks and their detremental paths are leading to more distruction than I preview normal warroirs wars on my screen. It feels like a fight to win my death because we are the cutest and prettiest and things we're supposed to be rewarded. Thanks, I only got one small cup of coffee. Though; they lick even my own flesh almost daily for the last thirty five last weeks and no one but my parents took me shopping.

God, Dear God,... This is painful! This is really my life as they wish to vanish me to hellish worlds and I can not run because I made my son a promise. As they clean up my background they attempted to add way to much into my background and the first thing that showed up is #10806 Johnna Cathryn Floyd,... is back in jail. I know this is racist and racism on our black workers especially from who infested it from black in crew. Begging for any nicer things my parents and I just went shopping for and especially zapping those waffles and chicken and coffee our of my stomach then attempting to step up to beat my mother as a child I watched her work out class at nine and saved her, almost from ninety damn mean and fiesty women. 


Brick City on the weekends and then it's 2:30PM to 8AM !!! This was what my camera roll did before it was a bigger and bigger and deeper threat. This is a better friend, and growing up since nine to seven then sixteen to 22 and I wish we could rebuild a better bond for Texas Ink Slingers!

The Coffee Cup, Matches my HydraPeak at what we are and were doing. The best advice, is too leave them alone and not worry about what they have but when they solititatilly want me and try to force me in Hospice, I remember going snapped up and stronger from about 20 + 1 + Threats.. I love all people and these blue nails and sky board is what,.. outgrown? I could only have five tattoo's as I try to destroy this frog of Ambers as a sheep skinner and a wardrobe wearer and these never hirt me because I am respectable and applicable!

Monday, June 5, 2023

Monday's Mostly

Thank You, for everything you have given us;... My computer HP and H.P. Planner sitting on the ground of a darkened room, doing some daily guidance work I normally know I like doing. I know, I only took one graphic and wanted to know who the artist was. This Photo, was created by who?

2017 to Eternity

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Pay Me Something

 R. L. Stein and Andy Grisham; grew me up in a world reinhated world for a long time and yes people with scary mouths think they own me. Even though I locked me up in JPS, they called me a begger and all sorts of wierder wisdom crap on the streets. Scaring relationships and Scaring shopping ... In 2015 when my son kept what he kept at that house, we found Arlington getting scary? I'm funded as a Foster Care Adoption System to keep kids safe but lately about three to two ,5 years ago we calmed off and down and escaped a scarier long time wish. 

Was It Taken; ... What was taken from them dang 28 laptops? Will they replace them and I hope I never find them trashed again. That was never my intention or my thought! I hope it works eternally and forever. Growing up there's a billion and one things that a person especially with Higher Power should never see their kid asking for while they magically work on each piece. 

2018 + Humanities: They all started walking into wierd stranger buildings mainly because they tried to covet friends, which I was making them every semester then in 2023 I was invited with my red, beans and rice, ,,, especially made for my and with my good friend. At least that was my wish and many people tell me she is dead in fact that should be written by a cop for a cops stand Mr. Psychiatrist and where people have been denying lifes work and sending us to Shindlers List 5 years ago, sir!

Productions : I am from "Shoot Chalk"; The CIA and FBI finally hired me and it is my treat record sounded good to other people, so I was and wasn't nice to people. Breaking Dawn on Events Spiritually Interrupted by Black Ink Crew! 

They Just Did ...

Make me angry but I don't take it out on them unless they just really piss me off and at my accounts!

Chemistry & Rhetorical Speaking!

Monday, May 15, 2023

Molded Money Monday

Today were from Bosnia in the back of Baghdad! I spent $20 from what

 My Dad when he had $60 at what he gave me for Mother's Day and I had a good day and my friends wanted what it was and I didn't get mad or jealous or angry ... but grew up from it! My Anger was a problem when this woman moved into our room and all her stuff,... MB HM on this $20 and Quick Trip Quities from what I asked for! These sweet treats aren't good tricks, they gave me the front entrance to walk around the store for what I was wanting my Big Red and Castillo Piano's Cigarettes and Kool's! In a Mass Media Master Mind From V.A.! 19 The Lord Seated and Gave most of it away from ...

When My Son Screamed What He Screamed At Every Mops Groups Mobile Moguel!

USAA ARMY T-Shirt was and big piles all over the streets under the bridge of my father and my work! That Ten Flying Dollar In The Streets of Poverty and Music and Art and Theater and Treats! Over a Thousand! For MY Family To Have what we have...

Thank you Bosnia's Bonasia and India! He's Stronger than I am and Stronger than my Strawberry Hearts Benny & Asia ... from can's of sugarless soda's and dr.pepper and dr.pepper can's at an escalator treat!

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Sanctioners Sunday

At Kennedale High School at 3 ... 6 ... 9 Sooners and Debate Team & Drama Club & Concert Choral all the Musicians reeds at what River Legacy Park to Buzz Lherman saddest Red CD Case and Livermore Nick Jonas on Sunday Morning Church Service! Communication Servicer at Hines's Ketchup System! My father's stationary and new Dodge to Ford Bronco with no money and Wild Fable Two Trophies!

My Engineering Solar Panelist intersections at Old West Country Cafe only at my round abouts! My new Time and True projection Ing screen at True Worth bldg. 112 Time & True SysteMed a watch and a new black bag for less than $30. I gave Donahue and Domanics Dominies while pizzas of the streets. Tay's and My Tea Cup from 7PM and 7AM! 

Weaponaries for Golden Corral better things to do with my blow pop to BLOW POP = Iraq to Afghanistan Trump Cards! While we're dancers at the darkest park at fort worths coming back questionnaires. Who I am and am not in trouble for doing my own informational critiques and business schools. What DeRidders biggest red truck driver eighteen wheeler wanted from on and off it 2,000 times.


Thursday, May 4, 2023

Trials To Treated Rehiring

 I spent most of my working hours; outside after listening to music repeating veteran's stadium compost from my Eclipse working on cleaning systems of my left-over Geography Project! It's easier with WordPress on my handed radar scanner gun from Walmart about ten years ago. Quietly asking to fill out this employment application and who bugs whose loose laces of my sneakers and pimps and sneaker pimps missing. I am trying to fill out an application to Dollar General; and it will and won't let me. . . 

Be patient my darling... I'm about to call my Dad, who not until recently I had found out he took Quantum Physics as I also have taken a long viewed out glance of my first outfits to work at Fiesta and go to Texas Whistling. I was being too jelouse of my ten and eight year younger sisters; as an AKA - Achey Breakey Heart! I want to work on Meadowbrook where my shoes will lead me.

Marching From April to May: As A May Be! Dollar General Fighting Ground for Employment at Three Months before Its Half & Half! Time + Space + Ethnicity of my Resume Reserves!

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

What's Up Wednesday

I woke up at 7AM and then I laid back down and the man in charge of the house today, woke me up and asked me to wash my bedding and clothes. I was scheduled to work today but Cave Care Child Learning Center is closed. I also don't feel good and I am waiting on my laundry. Had several cups of coffee and a bowl of cereal for breakfast. I went to The Northside Adult Day Care Center on Monday and Tuesday and it was ok, I was eager to work this week and don't know when the next time I work. Not too much, going on today, and I need to go threw my emails and papers and organize my room. 

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Starting Sunday

My weekend has been good; Dad picked me up at 5:45AM yesterday morning and took me home at 1:30PM. We went to Skillet N' Grill and I had chicken and waffles. Then we went to Lake Grapevine and my father caught seven crappie but I didn't catch anything but little fish and put them back. Then we went to Culver's and both ate a twelve-piece shrimp basket. Then he took me home, and before he dropped me off he gave me a 20PK of Coca-Cola Zero Sugar. I started a new job at Cave Child Care Learning Center; and I'm waiting on Mrs. Charnel to respond to my text message. I am having trouble getting signed up and into Intuit account. My official week starts, tomorrow, and I work Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I go to The North Side Adult Day Care Center on Tuesday's and Thursday's. Last Tuesday, Mrs. Charnel called me about a job there and I was excited. I am sure we will work on this tomorrow, but she told me to give her my email address, yesterday, while I was with my dad. 

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

First Day on The Job

The place I am working is called Kids Cave Child Care Center, it has a nice view of the highway and I am seated at a desk waiting for the next thing to do. Mrs. Charnel said I could get on my laptop after I ate lunch. I had a double cheeseburger meal from McDonalds with a large fry and Dr. Pepper. I have to go through a background check, and I am starting out at $8.50 an hour. More than 303 hours and I will have the money saved up to go back to school. I started by cleaning the playroom and organizing the closet. 

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

New Job

I start my new job tomorrow at 8AM! With Mrs. Charnel's Day Care Center. She called me at 12:30PM and offered me a new job filing papers and making documents.  I'm excited and she told me to bring my computer with me tomorrow. She told me she's dropping me off at the day care in the morning for me to get a feel for it. Then is coming back to tell me what to work on and talk about the logistics. 

My case manager was there before I got to The Northside Adult Day Care Center and when I got there she and I got on the phone with Tarrant County College. I am going to have to pay back this $2,582.22 to start going back to school. Just to get a transcript I have to pay this money back. I was blessed, when she offered me the job and I hope it pays well and I can pay my debt off. Being around kids and working on the computer is going to be fun. It will give me a sense of responsibility and I can make good use of my time, instead of wasting money and smoking all my cigarettes. I'm glad she wants me to start working at her daycare instead of me going to daycare.

I just took a shower and washed my hair. I put on the new clothes that Dad bought me; bright yellow sweatpants and a 101 Dalmations shirt. Dad, really took care of me and the family this weekend. He gave me $60; and five new shirts and four pairs of sweatpants. I called him at 3:30PM and he was on his way to go to base to get a haircut. He said we're going fishing on Saturday and he will take me to go eat breakfast at Skillet N' Grill.

This weekend was Easter and I went to my parents house. My Dad, picked me up at 4PM on Friday in my parents new Ford Bronco. Then we went to their house and then my little sister and the little one went to see a movie. The little one is finally adopted by my parents, and they said nothing is going to change between us. He made a lot of slime and offered them too me then took them back. We went fishing on Saturday; and we went to Easter Service at 4:30PM. I was happy to spend Easter with my family. Though, I'm even happier I start work tomorrow. 

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Wash Day Wednesday

Today is day of Passover; where Jesus' washed the disciples feet. Please Read John 13 : 1 - 17 Jesus' Washes The Disciples Feet. Jesus knew His Hour had come to depart from this world to The Father. Having loved His Own who were in this world, He loved them till the end. Isn't it rewarding, life in Christ! I know that I am 35 about to be 36 in a few months and God has truly forgiven me for my past sins. It continues on to say . . . That Jesus knew The Father had given everything into His Hands, that He had come from God, and that He was going back to God. So He got up from supper, laid aside his robe, took his towel, and tied it around Himself. Next He poured water into a basin and began to wash His disciple's feet and to dry them with the towel tied around Him. He came to Simon Peter, who asked Him, "Lord, are You going to wash my feet?" Jesus answered him, "What I'm doing you don't understand now, but afterward you will know." "You will never wash my feet - ever!" Peter Said. Jesus Replied "If I don't wash you, you will have no part with Me!" Simon Peter said to Him, "Lord, not only my feet, but also my hands and my head." 10 "One who has bathed," Jesus told Him, "doesn't need to wash anything except his feet, but he is completely clean. You are clean, but not all of you." For He Knew who would betray Him. This is why He said "You are not all clean."

The Meaning Of Footwashing . . . When Jesus had washed their feet and put on His robe, He reclined again and said to them, "Do you know what I have done for you? You call Me Teacher and Lord. This is well said, for I am. So If I, Your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to also wash one another's feet For I have given you an example that you also should do just as I have done for you. "I assure you: A 'slave is not greater than his master, and a messenger is not greater than the one who sent him. If you know these things, you are blessed if you do them. 

I am just going to wash my own feet, which is self-caring, with this Soap & Glory Heel Genius, that I got for Christmas. I was asked to put my bedding in the washing machine and found them dried and put in a pile on my bed and made my bed when I got home. I'm waiting to wash my clothes and surfing online.

I texted My Dad, today, to see what the minimum payment was on the money I owe and see if he could take it out of my $200. I want to pay back this debt and go back to school and graduate. I'm sitting in my room, on the floor with Bible I got from my sister during Christmas of 2021. I called Dad at 4:30PM and We spent time talking and vaping; it's pretty cool that Dad has the same Geek Vape but his is black and mine is a purply rainbow color. He said, Not to worry about to school and I don't have the money to pay them for the debt. We're having the fish we caught a couple of weekends ago, tonight for dinner.  

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Thinking Tuesday

I had a good day, today! Despite being bored at the center and bought a coca-cola and a friend of mine bought me some chips. I just got off the phone with Healthy Benefits after ordering some feminine pads. The pads were $14 and The starting balance was $71 leaving $67. I had to redirect my address to the group home address because I know my parents don't want to recieve them at their house.

I am having a hard time financially and need to find some way to pay off this $2,582.22 that I owe Williams and Fudge for school. I attended Spring of 2018 and dropped out that semester. My dad said he isn't going to make a payment and asked if I wanted to take it out of the $200 I recieve a month. I said no, but I definitely need to pay this back. 

I want to start working, but I have to be careful. I can only earn up too $1,000 on SSI. I talked to my dad, after calling him three times around 3:30PM. Then I took a shower. I met up with my caseworker who showed up right before it was time to leave the center. That's when we talked about school. 

I'm going over to my family's house at 4PM on Friday; and hope we have a good time. 

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Palm Sunday

 It's True; God is calling us! I had five cups of coffee this morning; and buttered toast and scrambled eggs and sausage, cooked by Mrs. Miranda Herself! She was excited to listen to her church service online. So I listened to Hope Church and Fielder. It's Easter Week, LOL! Trying not to get into the bags of candy I bought because I want something to bring for my family this coming weekend. My Father, picked me up at around 6:30AM yesterday morning and we had a great time together. We went to Skillet N' Grill and I had chicken and waffles. The waitress; was carrying her baby and pouring us coffee. I am hoping my little one, whose nine, has a great time with me this coming weekend. Though he didn't want to go fishing with us yesterday and Dad and I spent from 8AM to 10AM at Lake Grapevine. The fish weren't biting so he decided to take me to Walmart and bought me a lovely light purple Easter Dress and some sandles that match. Some coffee and also a half a gallon water bottle that I can bring to the center so I won't want Energy Drinks as much. Oh! The Great Gifts God has given us! I long to draw near to Him and playing a good role and setting myself as a good role model for others. 

Palm Sunday, leads us to Holy Week which Lead To Jesus's Resurrection!  Matthew 6, Sacrifice & Humbleness!

I woke up at 7AM and It's Palm Sunday. The Spirit Of The Lord Is Calling Us! This week I want to really open my heart up to God and let Him Lead ME. I only have $50; $24 on Chime and $25 on Venmo. I bought a new vaporizer that's a disposable and it's an Eclipse Uno, I also bought some CBD and tried it out from Artisan Vapor. My Father and I have similar vaporizers from Luxor's and a housemate just asked me if I could help her buy one. I told her NO, and that she would have to go with her caseworker. Miranda, our caregiver is making us a great meal, and I am in my room thinking about how this week is going to go and how great God is to us! I have a pink MSG Bible and am also reading on Pinterest things about Easter. 

Despite the fights that have been going on here at the house and I am minding my own, and extremely grateful for the Lucky Strikes, . . . I have six packs of unopened Lucky Strikes and a new container of instant coffee My case worker Tammy took me shopping Friday after my dental appointment and My Dad took me shopping, yesterday, on Saturday, April Fools Day. I am Southern Baptist and I was baptized at eleven when I went into Nicoma and had my spinal tap. 

I love the fact, that I have a great family and I get to see them next weekend. We should always be grateful for what we have. I bought new face powder and two packs of twelve cans of soda; Mt. Dews and Dr. Peppers. I sold two cans of Mt. Dew to my housemate and have been very appreciative of everything God has placed in my path and not creating a path of my own. Following through with what the caregivers needed and making good associations through Diadem Hearts. Hopefully, this week I will get a chance to go to Mission Arlington and get some clothes and other stuff. Though, life isn't all about stuff and having good relationships is important. Dear God; Please Lead Us This Week into Your Holy Promise and Thank You For Every Blessing. 

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Take A Smoke or Let Them Free

March was all about my new haircut; owing myself a shower and trying to be kind, resourceful, and respectable enough when people ask me for cigarettes. I was presented four box of Lucky Strike 100's from My Father Yesterday and Tomorrow I have a nine o'clock appointment with Medico MD 👾 I have an appointment with the dentist. I have been wearing the same dentures for almost two years. Seems everything in my room is from two or three years ago, with a load of laundry to fold. I just smoked the last of my BLK Original which I bought with $4.80. I use my IPhone 11 and spent it off Chime; I have been receiving money from My Pay-E . . . My Father, who I will call at 3:30PM. I added $19.65; in my account on March 26th 2023 at 8AM. It was nice, my new housemate, just said she's glad I had a good day.

Maybe we just have a hard time, saying no! After talking to My PCP; on Tuesday, I was told that smoking was hurting me. Though I have been smoking cigarettes since I was fifteen. I am reluctant though I find it hard to tell my little whims . . . NO! I have $50 on Venmo; and I want to use it to the best of my ability. Today; I bought a pack of Supreme Cigars, A Venom, and A BLK. Yesterday, I bought a pack of Supreme's and a Venom. These little trips to the store get costly, and I have spent . . .  

$$$ 3.24. 1.89. 3.55. 3.24, 3.23, 3.55, 3.77, 4.82, 3.22, 3.56, 6.48, 3.23, 3.01, 3.40, 3.23, 8.52, 6.96, 4.48, 1.78, 3.40, 4.80 $$$ 

I Have Spent $84 At The Convenient Store This Whole Month! I went to the store 21 times . . .