Friday, September 24, 2021

Fruitage More-n-ing's

It's been an Awsome week here at The Group Home and at Heritage and with my case manager. As fall is here; I'm happy to be in a good place. It's Friday; and I am feeling a lot safer and willing to be here. I feel blessed and lucky to be alive.

Things I've Done This Week (Last Week Of September) :

I was able to get my injection
Talk to my psychiatrist
Get medication refills and go up on my Zoloft
Start my new job at Heritage
Buy a Pumkin Spice Frappacino
Buy a Pumkin Halloween Blanket
Buy some Pumkin Crafts
Recieving My Dentures
Go shopping with my Dad

Things I Do In The Mornings: 

Wake Up
Check My Phone
Drink Coffee
Smoke Cigarette's
Get Dressed
Use a Face Cloth
Read Bible Study From "Our Daily Bread"

Sunday, September 19, 2021

I haven't written in a long time . . .

"Become who you are supposed to become so you can do what your supposed to do." I haven't been on this blog in a long time. I'm currently listening to Christian Uplifting Motivational Videos on YouTube. Thinking of what I need to get done. There hasn't been much to talk about. I have been taking an antibiotic for my hand that makes me tired. The group and I just took our medicine and got our five cigarettes and smoked. I've been taking courses on Learning is a lifetime goal. I'm planning on cleaning my room today.