Through all of this; we continue to be individuals stuck in a group home, together, and even when where not friends, we try our best to get along. Living in a trapped field of comradaries; realizes which ones they were and are. Thanks for our week; as I finished off your statement of
"I/You Will Never Be A Mature Adult Woman If You Don't Pay For It!" I don't always, allow myself to sit as precautious or as harmful as I am right now. Maybe; I asked for money? love? respect? I am tired of writing names and pointing the finger at anyone but myself. Yes; I had a good breakfast, sat down to drink coffee, and have been in the same comfortable clothes all weekend. I'm lucky for anything . . . I do have!
It's a little bit before eight o'clock, when I woke up! Looking to be more informed today and keep myself on current news. I smoked at 8AM and The Group Caregiver . . . arrived at Our Hightower House and had treasures of pretzel rods and caramel popcorn. Then I drank a cup of coffee . . . As If I Were At Starbucks!
Then I smoked; two more cigarettes and had my medication. I haven't recieved any fashionable items in a while. I am trustworthy but lately it's about being cautious! In fact; with inflation and my last purchase of a $25 vaporizer. I don't want to hear about one more person being lustful into
Healthy Worlds ... What is healthy skin and mostly a racial target is that I am Caucasian. I filled out my form correctly too enter anything I have ever attained and joined.