Thursday, February 2, 2023

Thankful Thursday

 I consider how I slept last night, forced at the bottom of everyone's feet. When I was invited, they weren't too. . . Nice to me, so I left, people have threatened me out of a lot of beautiful experiences I could have had. Last night my favorite and big matching Geek Vape went to 0.00V from 40.0V and I don't know what what that means. Though I woke up, the rain and snow are melting and I try to see from everyone's perspective. I wrote in my Happy Planner about Appropriations this week and it has been snowing and raining and the walk to the store is a dangerous route.

I normally receive $25 a week and My Dad is my Pay-E. Not knowing how much or what it is worth is a dangerous thing. I am looking forward to every weekend but smoking all four packs that fast, kinda concerned me. I have Chime and Venmo after having a long relationship with Frost Bank. Which was stooken away from when I gone camping.

I just made oatmeal and knowingly I have no cigarettes left! I keep my blog for myself and AVE College has accepted me and they are charging me a non needed fee of $28,000?

2 Samuel 3:21 at 9:14PM

And Abner said to them & David, "I will arise and go and will gather all isreal to My Lord the king, that they may make a covenent with you, and that you may reign over all that your heart desires." So David sent Abner away, and he went in peace!

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Lunar Lapsing

 I have a small book of John placed in front of me; sinning through the streets for a long walk of two miles in the snow. My Dad used to joke that he would walk in Mississippi eight miles in the snow. A lot of these things are because of what my parents have said. I'm glad I have good friends but my roommate and I are having a hard time understanding each other. Only eight cigarettes left after I have had my two mile walk and got a random ride through the streets in a nice car.

The Dylan apartments are nice though they keep working on the water, air conditioning, and sounds. I have felt this through a lifetime of being thirteen and I'm sorry I left off my project of Lunar New Year without warning. Still at 35; which I did just take my medication I feel like a child.  

I don't like whistling my teeth with my cigarettes, it's expensive and I only have $12 left! Left or Right Window? Let me tell you when I was working at McDonalds I couldn't tell the difference between right and wrong and mostly my life depended on guys and cocaine! I worked in a mathmatical lab at thirteen and I have two bowls of cereal and an addiction to what we met on concrete. 

This wedding ring is real; and I was asked to remove it by fifteen people since I was sixteen. When they asked where was he, he was still stuck coal mining! Who's farm was it because it's warmer and now our weather is all messed up!