Wednesday, April 19, 2023

What's Up Wednesday

I woke up at 7AM and then I laid back down and the man in charge of the house today, woke me up and asked me to wash my bedding and clothes. I was scheduled to work today but Cave Care Child Learning Center is closed. 

I also don't feel good and I am waiting on my laundry. Had several cups of coffee and a bowl of cereal for breakfast. I went to The Northside Adult Day Care Center on Monday and Tuesday and it was ok, I was eager to work this week and don't know when the next time I work. Not too much, going on today, and I need to go threw my emails and papers and organize my room. 

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Starting Sunday

My weekend has been good; Dad picked me up at 5:45AM yesterday morning and took me home at 1:30PM. We went to Skillet N' Grill and I had chicken and waffles. Then we went to Lake Grapevine and my father caught seven crappie but I didn't catch anything but little fish and put them back. 

Then we went to Culver's and both ate a twelve-piece shrimp basket. Then he took me home, and before he dropped me off he gave me a 20PK of Coca-Cola Zero Sugar. I started a new job at Cave Child Care Learning Center; and I'm waiting on Mrs. Charnel to respond to my text message. I am having trouble getting signed up and into Intuit account. My official week starts, tomorrow, and I work Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I go to The North Side Adult Day Care Center on Tuesday's and Thursday's. Last Tuesday, Mrs. Charnel called me about a job there and I was excited. I am sure we will work on this tomorrow, but she told me to give her my email address, yesterday, while I was with my dad. 

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

New Job

I start my new job tomorrow at 8AM! With Mrs. Charnel's Day Care Center. She called me at 12:30PM and offered me a new job filing papers and making documents.  I'm excited and she told me to bring my computer with me tomorrow. She told me she's dropping me off at the day care in the morning for me to get a feel for it. Then is coming back to tell me what to work on and talk about the logistics. 

My case manager was there before I got to The Northside Adult Day Care Center and when I got there she and I got on the phone with Tarrant County College. I am going to have to pay back this $2,582.22 to start going back to school. Just to get a transcript I have to pay this money back. I was blessed, when she offered me the job and I hope it pays well and I can pay my debt off. Being around kids and working on the computer is going to be fun. It will give me a sense of responsibility and I can make good use of my time, instead of wasting money and smoking all my cigarettes. I'm glad she wants me to start working at her daycare instead of me going to daycare.

I just took a shower and washed my hair. I put on the new clothes that Dad bought me; bright yellow sweatpants and a 101 Dalmations shirt. Dad, really took care of me and the family this weekend. He gave me $60; and five new shirts and four pairs of sweatpants. I called him at 3:30PM and he was on his way to go to base to get a haircut. He said we're going fishing on Saturday and he will take me to go eat breakfast at Skillet N' Grill.

This weekend was Easter and I went to my parents house. My Dad, picked me up at 4PM on Friday in my parents new Ford Bronco. Then we went to their house and then my little sister and the little one went to see a movie. The little one is finally adopted by my parents, and they said nothing is going to change between us. He made a lot of slime and offered them too me then took them back. We went fishing on Saturday; and we went to Easter Service at 4:30PM. I was happy to spend Easter with my family. Though, I'm even happier I start work tomorrow. 

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Palm Sunday

 It's True; God is calling us! I had five cups of coffee this morning; and buttered toast and scrambled eggs and sausage, cooked by Mrs. Miranda Herself! She was excited to listen to her church service online. So I listened to Hope Church and Fielder. It's Easter Week, LOL! Trying not to get into the bags of candy I bought because I want something to bring for my family this coming weekend. My Father, picked me up at around 6:30AM yesterday morning and we had a great time together. We went to Skillet N' Grill and I had chicken and waffles. The waitress; was carrying her baby and pouring us coffee. I am hoping my little one, whose nine, has a great time with me this coming weekend. Though he didn't want to go fishing with us yesterday and Dad and I spent from 8AM to 10AM at Lake Grapevine. The fish weren't biting so he decided to take me to Walmart and bought me a lovely light purple Easter Dress and some sandles that match. Some coffee and also a half a gallon water bottle that I can bring to the center so I won't want Energy Drinks as much. Oh! The Great Gifts God has given us! I long to draw near to Him and playing a good role and setting myself as a good role model for others. 

Palm Sunday, leads us to Holy Week which Lead To Jesus's Resurrection!  Matthew 6, Sacrifice & Humbleness!

I woke up at 7AM and It's Palm Sunday. The Spirit Of The Lord Is Calling Us! This week I want to really open my heart up to God and let Him Lead ME. I only have $50; $24 on Chime and $25 on Venmo. I bought a new vaporizer that's a disposable and it's an Eclipse Uno, I also bought some CBD and tried it out from Artisan Vapor. My Father and I have similar vaporizers from Luxor's and a housemate just asked me if I could help her buy one. I told her NO, and that she would have to go with her caseworker. Miranda, our caregiver is making us a great meal, and I am in my room thinking about how this week is going to go and how great God is to us! I have a pink MSG Bible and am also reading on Pinterest things about Easter. 

Despite the fights that have been going on here at the house and I am minding my own, and extremely grateful for the Lucky Strikes, . . . I have six packs of unopened Lucky Strikes and a new container of instant coffee My case worker Tammy took me shopping Friday after my dental appointment and My Dad took me shopping, yesterday, on Saturday, April Fools Day. I am Southern Baptist and I was baptized at eleven when I went into Nicoma and had my spinal tap. 

I love the fact, that I have a great family and I get to see them next weekend. We should always be grateful for what we have. I bought new face powder and two packs of twelve cans of soda; Mt. Dews and Dr. Peppers. I sold two cans of Mt. Dew to my housemate and have been very appreciative of everything God has placed in my path and not creating a path of my own. Following through with what the caregivers needed and making good associations through Diadem Hearts. Hopefully, this week I will get a chance to go to Mission Arlington and get some clothes and other stuff. Though, life isn't all about stuff and having good relationships is important. Dear God; Please Lead Us This Week into Your Holy Promise and Thank You For Every Blessing.