We all have a good and bad side to us, as human beings. We were made in Gods image though only He is perfect. I am a Christian and daily depend on God to make it through the day. This weekend I plan on writing a lot and sharing stories about motherhood and how I went from a successful college Senior in 2015, to being a dropout and life at the group home.
Tarrant County Jail Sentence For Shoplifting in
2020 : 3 Months, Next Time is Six Months
In 2020; I faced a three month jail sentence for shoplifting at Target. At the time I was “Camping” 🏕 on Landcaster with a guy that I had only known for a short time. I have gotten into a lot of trouble on Landcaster and make myself a promise never to go back to the way things were out there but one thing that I can do is share my stories.
His name was Samuel and when I went with him, we drained my bank account. I was banking with Frost Bank and had been since I moved to Texas with my parents after Hurricane Katrina. We spent the money on drugs and stuff to go camping. It was in August and I asked my father to send my money on my card. This reminds me of a show, my parents watched at their house called “Remembering Anna”. Though luckily I am not facing a 12 year jail sentence for running a credit card at expensive resort hotels in Morocco 🇲🇦.
I spent August to December, when I had to go to MillWood to seek mental attention. Then when I got out of MillWood I was lost and found myself at the attention of the police for shoplifting. I remember talking to Breacher my lawyer about me staying in jail after my sentence and not wanting to leave the prison. I got caught in January around My Dad’s birthday. Stayed until March when I called My Father to pick me up from the hospital and Co-Vid had broken throughout the country causing the epidemic. Lucky for us this seems to have gone past us without any of us getting sick.
Though my main caregiver has had several people die in her family. I say this with the sincerity of my heart and dedication to do better and stay where I am. I still hear a part of me that wants to get in trouble with running away from here. It hasn’t startled me like it once did but with my schizophrenic disorder it is still loud and apparent. In a previous post I shared about how I got frostbite last year in 2021. The infection is gone but the problem will always remain on my left hand for a lifetime.