It's Already The Last Day of June,... May 24"; I am was accepted as a Texas Wesleyan Student with a 2.5 GPA. I'm will be furthering my career as a Bachelor of Science in Mass Communications. Since 2018", 6 years ago, transferred from University of Texas at Arlington. Taking it Moment by Moment & Soon Summer will Be Here! July will be bringing a lot of change as I continue to trust BossMan & My Parents & Having a lot of love for the three younger ones.
Saturday, June 29, 2024
The Thursday We Tastes
When I Would Wednesday
Till June & Aunt June Are Finished
I already had breakfast, with My Father & Little Brother; I'm trying not to send, any annoying alarming news. I was invited to My Fathers, Best House, for the day after Fourth of July. I have till, 5PM to complete what I'd like to do, it's better asked for... nicely! Lounging In & Around My Teal Bed & Getting Annoyed every once in a while, as I try consistently to improve my work. Oh! The Room-Mates situation; two girls besides myself in the, haha, Politically Correct Room, Door has a white tote bag from Tarrant County Commissioner Jail Sanction that I got Juneteenth. Speaking of Juneteenth; one of our favorite BLACK Women, stopped by the Rosedale ST. House Today. I steer clear of this room next to ours,... I was mostly told to stay away from BRODY! I have had two restful months off from "The Northside Adult Daycare Center",... With little mention of "Dorthy's House!"
I was barely out of "Millwood Estates" & There were all fifteen of My friends; including my ex-sperm-donor but we acted civil as we could and I recieved eight packs of Lucky Strike Red 100s! Lauren Fluent & Lauren Floyd we're there and non of us acted too bad until the coffee accident! I got out on The 4th of June & thank God! I wasn't chosen for Juno, though the 11th I Spent : Quality Time With Saint Andrew,... Then I noticed my iPhone11 says S.O.S. !!! On The 10th;... I joined a great group of people eager to Tour Texas Wesleyan! Next, I willingly will upload these photos.
June 20th 2024" Started the Start of Summer! Thanks too all My Kind Friends, I was able to have almost eighteen energy drinks. A whole pint of Pure 100% Almond Milk & These counselors have been playing games with me. So here's to deleting this game called Junes Adventure & working on more projects, Hey The Game Needs What It Needs! Next Pay Day on The Third + Rent on The First!
Friday, June 28, 2024
Fundraiser Funny Till Friday
Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Together Tuesday: Thru The System
It's close to 9AM! Proficiency meets equality and she wonders, what was the sudden urge to call her father? I had counseling, last Thursday, Morning at 9AM through Telehealth. I was asked to piece together the puzzle of things to do,... First, there's waking up in the morning to take medication as prescribed from psychiatrist & handed too us by #1BossMan. Around 8AM, These small pills make a world of difference and I never again want anyone to say I didn't take my meds!
Though first, I made my bed, I recently got a new mattress, Journalism was in 2011! and I normally get 8 or more hours of sleep a night. True fact we've lived here since September of 2023! I recently threw out a planner that had some personal information. After meds and cigarettes I have three lucky strike white cigarettes left, as we are served breakfast. This morning I had breakfast tacos made of corn soft tacos and eggs and bacon. Just waiting to go outside and I guess smoke.
THCC - Tabacco House Clinician Clinic? Well, it was three months ago! I am reminded to lay low key and not to cause a problem. Especially, since my iPhone 11 which costs $2,000 on a Government Stimulus Payment that Dear Ole Dad & I bought March 12th 2021! Then till about 11:30AM, we wait for lunch, normally camped out in our own individual areas in our room. Then Boss Man, leaves on break and returns around 2:30PM! By the time lunch time comes I would like to have accomplished some work!
Monday, June 24, 2024
Monday of Monsters
A Smoke & A Drink; was all My Mother and I were having most of our fun within the Summer of 2016" and 2017"; then all of a sudden, I had to drop out that was considered my Senior Year, unfortunately now I seem to have a similar problem do I take back my Transcript? No! It's more than a piece of paper but Texas Wesleyan Already has the transcript and once enrolling there's no turning back! It's almost a week till pay day & dad's packed box of fifteen moonshining cigarettes that we're prerolled by a machine and my father, lasted all weekend. This lady had seen them, Danger Be Crawling? I have sat here after lunch and considered what was important the hinges unhooked two evil step sisters and too many in denial! I am a Christian but how dare it bugs everything, thankful for the bug candy! I may have two or three, when I choose too! A Lot of Me First & A Lot of Gimmie, wait ... blood! Seriously, test need to be run as my son and I had that conversation. Their saying I have nineteen kids again, I only remember having one! Injection is needed,... eventually! Wait your turn!
Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Wedness It's Wednesday
A Black Foreign girl who always woke up on the wrong side of the bed, after most nights! A broke Christian Souther Baptist Geek of Myself! It's 11AM, went to the store,... maybe or maybe not our last $12.55, was it threat after threat! Was & Wasn't,... 114 WPM$72 in due timing! $2Billion? These are all my lipliners and yes, lose lips sink ships! Thankfully, Its done it again? Fixing The House & Hostage in 2813, but cheers to lip liner I have till about eight o'clock on my bed myspace area and not quest-co!
Monday, June 17, 2024
Tuesdays Treats
Why? Should I Fret?! Oh! If Boss Man Leaves that means what? I told you this stuff from Hightower hurts so I just swallowed my Staplers Eraser, I've been plugging my body! Why are you asking! Trying to embarrass me at Church! I'm not mad now but there's no reason to go without my small white pill and no I will never sell it! Setting appointments at a nineteen internship owner! JFDesigns! Time will tell, if these are good people or bad people! Gallon of Gasoline - Puffed Out Of Taylors Vehichle!
Pinned & pegged; & is Peggy sue coming back?! Thankfully, When,... I bought that Nord!!!!! Heatheran took it * like Sam & Samantha! Green Bean Green Bay Packers! I have gone so broke listening to my fourty eight year fifty three mom and I'm happy! Lets leave eachothers lives alone never could have been what we done, so where are my Jones Soda Blueberry Soda Glasses! Where are my groceries = Woman!
Where did my hits per counter go: I don't want them to run up to the school neked as food in the streets but somewhere I've won Texas State Politics! I'm a thirty seven year old college student that ran what these games are too expensive and she is too soft hearted! I worked my ass off stalkers! There is twenty eight of them !
Sunday, June 16, 2024
Monday Moments
I have both my planners but I just gave a friend a nice black and drawing planner; the German Day Dreamer in the trash, the remainder of this years that runs out in June 24"; I just filled out The Texas State Certification Form, for Financial Aid and am waiting to hear back from them. Then Friday, before work of eating at the Skillet N' Grill I was going to with my Dad. Thank God we were able to go again this Saturday! It's Fathers Day, and I only have $7.98 and just spent $20! Though, I'm getting one more step closer, I have counseling tomorrow at 2:19PM and I've been waiting for my first session for a very long time.