Friday, February 4, 2022

Learning To Blog

According to Profiler (; I am ready to be Passionate About My Blogging. I need to dedicate more time and energy to creating a good blogsphere. I know I use a free blogging platform, but I can't really afford that much. Let alone I can't sit still, laughing and crying on the inside, I'm still walloping all over my bed trying to get comfortable. Probably due to the coffee I drank, my roommate made it extra strong. Seems staying in the house has me and my roommate wrestles. Though staying inside where it's warm is the best thing for everyone right now as the weather is still cold and ice is on the ground. The owner of Cave Care asked me last year if I would start blogging and being active in my writing. I was happy to and bought a nice HP laptop with the 2nd Stimulus check that came in.  

Blogging takes time and persistence; I want my blog to reach 1,000 views by March. That gives me a month to triple my views, a whole lot of writing, and really putting my work out there. I have written a blog ever since I was 12 years old or known about blogging since then. I had a personal WordPress, but it was costing too much. I only make about $100 a month. Hopefully through hard work and dedication I can earn some extra income through blogging. Which has been a lifelong learning and dream of mine. I hear blogs I find on Pinterest having this cool career of blogging and hope I can make it happen myself. 

My Niche

I like to write about my almost daily life and how I am doing. I have a passion for writing and art and have finished 114 Credit Hours in Public Relations and Advertising. I haven't done near the amount of research I would like; I'd like to research things that matter to you, my readers. Understand that when times of uncreatively uncertain moments face you in times of trials there is hope. In the future look forward to reading about how I am faced with my disabilities and for tips on dealing with similar life situations. I want to be at the center of my writing and I also want my readers to be informed and have a sense of who I am and what makes me who I am. Please follow me on my journey; hopefully we can share and be friends. Thank you to the one caseworker who added me, as I look forward to others adding and following me. For Valentine's Day I'm focusing the next ten days on Relationships. 

Finding My Ideal Audience

Most of my caseworkers and caregivers know about my blog. Although I have several friends on my Facebook who have noticed my blog also. To get an audience I need to become a leader and strive to do my best for myself and my blog, not on days it's just convenient but every day. At this moment I don't really know what kind of readers I have to my blog. 


I need to have interesting stuff to write about and really engage with my readers. I want to talk about relationships since it'll be Valentine's Day in 10 days. 

Consistency And Trust

I have been acting pretty lazy and not working my hardest and I want to improve; for a long time, my readers have been hearing that without any real proof. I also responded to My Dad's question about my laptop to the answer of using my Cellphone more. 

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