Monday, June 6, 2022

Motivational Monday

​The last sips of my second cup of coffee, tasted like pure joy as I filled out the form for my appointment on Friday at 1PM. I’m sitting here at the table by myself and thinking about the form I just filled out. It asked a lot of medical questions and I filled it out the best I could but I will need help by True Mental Health to complete it. I have the desire to do better and I am developing more discipline though I am going to need counseling.

I’m finished drinking coffee; and waiting till 11AM, when we can go back outside to smoke. I feel motivated but I don’t know what to exactly do with my time at The Lions Center today. I have read three out of seven articles and have four more to read before I catch up with an article for every cigarette. The PSY Form asked about drug use and family history. I’m finding comfort from reading other bloggers topics and I have a ton of Pinterest Boards.

Came back inside the center from smoking; and I need to read six articles. Doing research gives me some more to blog about and I am reading about; Motivation & Mindset. I want to see self growth and growth in my blogging life and the only way too get better at something is to keep at it. Though I don’t have a set to do list I need things that make me better and more to do with my time. Things can always improve but at the same time you and I have to have discipline to not go back to what wasn’t working.

I added $10 to my Chime account from My Venmo; and I have about $15! My caseworker called and said she is coming to bring me my prescriptions and take me to go do something. I’m thinking about going to Dollar Tree & The pizza 🍕 for lunch just arrived. After I ate, the lady in charge, asked me if I had put anymore thought into making a Mental Health Magazine. I have $24 on my Chime Account and $15 on Venmo.

I know I want to make more money and do something as far as my career goes; and she encouraged me to use my laptop more often and do some connecting through social media. Went outside and smoked two cigarettes and I have been spending $18 out of the $25 I receive a week on smoking. It’s only Monday and I don’t want to spend all my money but I want to buy some more cigarettes and some stuff from the Dollar Tree.

Motivationally; my interest in my money situation needs improvement and as I read it is good to learn from success stories. 

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