Sunday, June 5, 2022

Self Care Sunday

​Took a shower and I found that I need some more shampoo and body wash; all the residents who live here in the home with me, have been using each other’s stuff and because we don’t talk no one knows. I’m clean and changed clothes after I took a shower. The owner of The Group Home encourages us to keep the lights off in the room; but I like the lights on. 

I want to focus on myself and what care I need; instead of being too social today. The housemate who screams and shouts profanity out loud is back at it again and takes most of the attention. The caregivers have been telling him/her too shut up and they eventually have to do something. I’ve learned it’s best to keep to myself and this blog really helps me get my thoughts and emotions out without having contact to harmful people.

I don’t blow dry my hair and I miss how; my parents used to take time to blow dry my hair like Farrah Faucet. When I gave birth to my son, I was diagnosed with postpartum depression and I was slowly getting off methadone. The doctor I was going to was in shock that I was having a boy, since I am on so many antipsychotics and my medication is nothing too mess with and my new psychiatrist increased my Prozac.

I’m in my room alone and my roommate went to church with her best friend; so I turned off trashy tv and am playing the Christian Playlist I have been building on SoundCloud. Mainly, because I don’t have a blow dryer and too cheap to buy one. I don’t do too much for self care; I mean sure instead of automatically getting dressed I could use the lotions and body sprays my family provided me with one of the later times at a mental hospital. I once had a roommate that was so stuck up that she said I shouldn’t wear the same clothes all the time and should change clothes more often.

It’s 4:30; and I just took my medicine and I smoked. I read two articles and called my dad, but he didn’t answer. I’m needing to nine more articles and eat the dinner our caregiver fixed for us. My hair dries pretty quickly but I feel sick too my stomach and she fixed; hamburger steak, pasta salad, and beans. I’m told by my doctor to not eat too much white bread, pasta, and rice. 

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