Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Thinking Tuesday

​It’s cold outside and I didn’t bring my sweatshirt. The weather has been so nice outside and I didn’t think it would get cold. I woke up around 8AM; and took my medicine. I’m thinking my mom will like the present I picked out yesterday. I’m thinking about all the times my family has been there for me. As well as how I can better use my time to get some things done.

That’s the thing about being productive. Drinking my second cup of coffee and grateful for the help I receive on a daily basis. I am in a point in my life where I don’t really know what I want. I know I want to be successful but I don’t know what aim I have in life. Thinking about what my caseworker said yesterday about getting to go out to do things. 

Thinking about how I’ll be one year older by the end of the Summer and I need to keep doing what I am doing. Right now I am doing what I am supposed to. Staying home and away from drugs and reading and writing a lot. The more I write the more I come into enlightenment about what it is I really want in life. 

The Passion to pursue a meaningful and creative life with My Lord and Savior, My Group, and my family. 

1. Although all things are not up to us; knowing that I made certain decisions that have brought me this far in life.

2. Making things meaningful will call for a greater perspective and sense of knowing who I truly am.

3. Although I am not as far along in life I now have the confidence that as long as I pursue my hobbies I can turn my life around and do some amazing things with God’s help.

The Purpose of showing up for myself and taking care of what I need daily.

1. While reading through my blog I am sure you know about my love for cigarettes and coffee. Although I know smoking isn’t what’s best for me. After smoking several cigarettes last night on our smoke break from 5-6:30PM. My throat started hurting and I had a hard time swallowing.

2. Thinking and Reminding myself that through persistent actions and incorporating good habits I can start a life that is better for me.

3. Remembering not to go back to the way things we’re and leaving the past behind me. Taking it one day at a time and moment by moment to become a better version of myself.

The Purpose of being there for the people that mean the most to me and being a pleasure to be around.

1. The main person there for me is My Dad. I have put him through a lot but he has always had unconditional love for me.

2. Although my son and I are not getting along to well. It’s being there for him through it all and learning from my parents to provide him with the same unconditional love they show me.

3. I would love to rebuild the relationships with My Mom and Sisters. I am going to be an Aunt soon!

4. Respecting house caregivers and following the house and center rules. With a Godly attitude and with a caring heart for all the things that go good around my environment.

The call to write passionately and purposefully on a regular basis and not hide away or get defensive about what people think about me.

1. Being open and honest and persistent is the key to success, in my opinion.

2. I tend to stay too myself and I am very open in my writing. I am quite in real life and enjoy my alone time.

3. God calls us to be in a community of believers and to help others. This is my creative outlet to accomplish that and several other goals.

The reasons to seek help and get things right with accepting my mental disorders and self care.

1. I have a psychiatrist appointment tomorrow after the center and I feel that I am doing better than I was a month ago.

2. Through reading other people’s blogs I have learned a lot that’s applicable to life.

3. Not being afraid of speaking up and putting my best foot forward.

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