Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Timeliness On Tuesday

​It’s been a year since I started this blogs journey. I’m sitting at the table and drinking coffee. The weather is supposed to get bad outside. Instead of taking our medication when the caregiver arrives, the person that comes in at night, they have been putting it in ziplock bags so we can take them as soon as we wake up.

We are all provided 24HRS in the day; I have learned how important it is to stay in the present moment and not think too far in the past or the future. I think it’s time too learn as much as I can and really depend more on God. I need to know as much about myself as possible. As May is ending and the new month of June is arriving. I have made a goal for personal growth before my 35TH Birthday.

I have my journals and am currently using three journals; a prayer journal, a personal journal, and the one I bring to the center for what research I am doing. I haven’t drawn in about two weeks, or since my son asked me too. There’s things I want to explore on the topic of starting an Art Shop Business that I need to read and understand more. I have been reading almost ten articles a day on all sorts of topics.

I have my sketchbooks; the large one my parents got me for Christmas. As well as the one I bought for my last Birthday with the money from my grandma. The tools are there and I have hardly been using them. Emptied the tools to create from my backpack on the table and looking at them. I’m almost through reading “The Night Portrait” and I’m on chapter 61 of 91. 

Reading about Art has deepened my passion for creativity and I hope that I will become more passionate about what I create. I also have my two adult coloring books and my colored pencils. Things don’t have to be perfect for you to start and a lot of articles on productivity and time management tell you just to get started and do the best you can.

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